Three. Apparently there is an unwritten rule that someone must be pregnant in my division at all times. I jest not. When I arrived 12 years ago someone was pregnant. It continues.
We used to blame it on the presence of the Division of Reproductive Products down the hall. Now that we've moved to an entirely different building, I think it must just be us.
Tuesday. I was expecting to have a bit more time, seeing as one of the ladies is not due until December 27.
I had already finished one Baby Surprise Sweater for the Fair.
So I started and finished another. My row counting was more accurate this time. I like the sleeve cap effect. And another.
I had grand plans for getting all three done. If I knit 30 rows per day, I should have been able to finish both sweaters. I got all the way through the second sweater and up to this point on #3 (see above). I think I hurt myself. I'm getting shooting pains through my right wrist and my elbow is numb. This is bad, right? I'm debating- do I knit through the pain and try to finish, or do I slow down and conserve my mouse hand? A hand I need for actual working.
I think colleague #3 is getting an IOU.